So you’ve been using Google to find information, products, and services. In fact, you probably use Google on your desktop, laptop, or mobile devices countless times in a day. Naturally, if you think about it, Google is one of the best things to happen in the Information Age. Well, you're right. What you don’t realise, though, is that with Google search, you’ve only scratched the surface. Even if you’ve done your research into Google search tips in the past, we’re pretty sure you don’t use it to ... Keep Reading
Sensing a Toxic Workplace: There Are Clear Signs
Usually, it is employees who complain about having to work in a toxic workplace. You will rarely find a business owner with such gripes. There are two reasons for this. The first is that if a business owner finds that his offices have toxic environments, then he can directly make changes to take that toxicity out of the picture. The other and more common reason is that business owners rarely ever realise that their offices have become toxic. This happens because it is very unlikely for a ... Keep Reading
What’s On Your Stop Doing List?
It is very rare for a business to fold overnight. Typically, the death of a business is a protracted affair. A single wrong decision never results in the collapse of a business. Instead, it is the same mistake being made again and again that causes a business to fade away. In the majority of cases, these repeat mistakes fall on the head of the entrepreneur or the business owner. Entrepreneurs don’t only have to worry about the financial survival of their business but also the financial survival ... Keep Reading
How Do You Overcome Business Obstacles?
At Office Hacks by Inkjet Wholesale, we’ve focused on a lot of business or start-up related subjects. We’ve written on everything from business plans and recruitment to marketing and office efficiency. In all these months of writing, one subject that we’ve never focused on till now is the mentality of a business owner. We haven’t really delved into this side of entrepreneurship because we assumed it to be fairly mundane and basic. We figured that none of our readers would want to focus on ... Keep Reading
Top Tips to Ensure Successful Collaboration amongst Your Employees
Two plus two equal four, right? Well, they mostly do. When they don’t, though, then you have something special to write home about. Empires are built on these types of flawed mathematical equations. While you could be an exceptional genius who has managed to invent something special and has become a household name on the back of his invention, human beings with average IQs have also managed to build empires in the history of mankind. How do they do it? They do it by fostering and promoting ... Keep Reading
Top Tips to Manage Genius Employees
Nothing can be better, can it? Having genius employees chugging away at what they do best while your company rises to the top of the pile of all its competitors. This is like a dream come true for all employers, across the world – being able to afford brilliant employees. It’s obvious why. Geniuses are so good at what they do that they aren’t only more productive than everybody else but also inspire everyone to be better than what they’re used to. The only problem is managing those outstanding ... Keep Reading
How Slackers at Work Cost Your Business Money
The path to entrepreneurial success begins through a very treacherous and perilous territory. You not only have to start from scratch and act like you have no money but you also have to worry about hiring the right people. When you add time shortage into the mix, what you’re left with is a rush to hire employees that not only need to perform at par with the industry but actually exceed the standards. When a start-up actually gets this mix right, it is magical and slightly hard to believe because ... Keep Reading
5 Foreign Expansion Mistakes That are Very Common
Foreign expansion is, debatably, one of the most common business targets for entrepreneurs and businessmen. Not only most common, but it can also be said to be one of the most prized and desired objectives for any business. Although in many people’s perspective, foreign expansion is something that bigger entities target. In fact, foreign expansion probably sounds like a dream to you if you’re new to the world of business. To be fair, though, it would sound like a dream to most budding or even ... Keep Reading
How to Boost Retention of Top Performers
It doesn’t matter whether your business is a start-up or an established enterprise. The way of the professional world, these days, is attrition. While a few decades ago, a company could’ve boasted of having more than a few company men working simultaneously, today’s companies struggle to find even one. Employees, these days, jump ship very regularly and in very short periods simply because they get increments for making the move. Since employees don’t stay long enough, top performers have also ... Keep Reading
Understanding Workplace Conflict to Prevent It!
When more than one personality and more than a single viewpoint collide, it is bound to result in workplace conflict. In fact, if you’re an entrepreneur, you can view workplace conflict as a positive thing too. After all, there is never any conflict if the people involved don’t care about what they're doing. Thus, if you’re seeing workplace conflict in your business, it is likely that it exists because your employees are passionate about their work as well as your company. This doesn’t mean ... Keep Reading