Every business has the potential to make it big. Most businesses are only held back because they start believing myths that always seem to be circulating in business circles. Virtually, every element of running a business has myths pertaining to it. These myths tend to work in insidious ways. First, they make the business owners believe that problems that should be exceptions are actually norm and that every business faces them. Then, they make the business owners believe that trying to solve the problem will disrupt their existing operations. And finally, they make the business owners believe that solving those problems will not be worth the effort.
Is it any wonder that many business owners don’t even try to fix their problems which proceed to become chronic in nature. There is no dealing with myths and the problems they can cause a business if they are not controlled from the very beginning. Earlier, we debunked some myths about organising at work. Now, continuing our ever-present and very irksome problem with myths related to offices, we want to debunk some document management myths so that your office doesn’t go too long without a decent document management system.
Document Management Myth #1: They Are Only Created For Large Corporations
This is possibly the most widespread document management myth in business circles today. The reason for this is probably the fact that when document management systems showed up, they were so expensive that only large corporations and multinational companies could afford them.
However, the situation is now significantly different. The document management system developers have since that time developed the technology to a point where document management systems designed specifically for Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are now available in the market.
Moreover, not only are there document management systems designed specifically for SMEs these days but it is also possible for bespoke document management systems to be created. These options available in the market completely and utterly debunk this document management myth.
Document Management Myth #2: Paper Is Far More Reliable and Dependable
Despite the fact that the Digital Revolution started ages ago, people still seemed to have not come to grips with the fact that digital technologies can be reliable. The document management myth that paper is still more reliable and dependable than digital technologies is the perfect example of this misdirected belief.
Paper is in no way more reliable or dependable than digital technologies provided they are used in the right way. The situation between paper digital technologies and paper is similar actually. If paper based filing systems are not maintained and protected in the right manner, then they will not be reliable. Similarly, digital document management technologies also need to be maintained and protected in the right manner.
If document management systems are used in the proper way, kept updated regularly, and put behind reliable security systems, then they would be epitomise the debunking of the document management myth that paper is more reliable.
Document Management Myth #3: They Are Too Expensive To Implement
This is another document management myth that has its roots in the early days of the technology. As mentioned above, this was a time when document management systems were new and, hence, expensive.
However, to reiterate what was said earlier, the document management systems available in the market now can be categorised into every business segment possible. This means that, in terms of pricing, there is a full range of document management systems available in the market.
These document management systems vary on the basis of the full array of spectrum. They vary on the basis of their complexity, level of automation, reliability, and even the time of licence.
In fact, there are also cloud based document management systems in the market that come with trial periods. These trial periods can be used by smaller businesses to check if a particular document management system suits their needs or not.
Document Management Myth #4: They Are Either Cloud Based or On – Premise
This document management myth is probably a little more sophisticated. Only individuals who know about document management systems would harbour such a document management myth.
However, the big question is if the individual knows about document management systems, then why would he harbour this document management myth?
The answer is simply that the individual’s knowledge about these types of document handling systems is incomplete.
If this individual goes through the market checking the specifications of various document management systems, then he would find out that there are indeed systems that provide combinations of cloud based and on – premise functionality.
These types of systems are usually called hybrid cloud systems. Depending upon the specific system, it could either be on – premise storage or cloud based storage that could be the dominating partner in the marriage.
Document Management Myth #5: It Is Tough To Integrate Them with Existing Systems
Integration related myths permeate through every business circle these days. The reason why this document management myth persists is actually the dark side of one of the most important benefits of the document management systems market. This benefit is the variety of options available to business owners.
Since there are a wide variety of document management systems available in the market, invariably a few business owners pick options that aren’t compatible with their existing systems.
When they try to use the systems and find out about the lack of incompatibility, they create the document management myth that such systems are generally not compatible with existing IT systems. However, the exact opposite of this document management myth is actually true. Because there are so many different options of document management systems, it becomes easier to find systems will be compatible to the existing setup of the business.
Document Management Myth #6: Everyone Will Need To Be Trained To Use It
Every time a business owner considers bringing in a new technology or even a new system into his business, one of his concerns is whether his employees will be able to handle it or not.
This is such a big document management myth because no business owner wants to spend on something new only to find that his employees don’t know how to use it. This is also the reason why training happens to be one of the more important concerns for business owners.
The reason why employee training is not a concern with document management systems is that modern day versions of these systems are not very complex in nature. In fact, the design of modern day document management systems is such that they come with simplified user interfaces. These user interfaces, like all specialised user interfaces, are incredibly easy to use so long as the user has some basic knowledge of computers.
Document management systems can turn around the fortunes of any business because they make businesses much more efficient than they were before. Needless to say, when productivity of businesses improves, it doesn’t take long for revenues and profit margins to follow.
Therefore, if you are considering getting a document management system for your office and have hesitated because of any of the aforementioned document management myths, then you may want to reconsider.
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