Try these few simple things and your printer cartridges will last significantly longer and your printing costs will be slashed.
1. Try and adapt to printing in draft mode for as much internal printing as possible. Most everyday office items do not need to be printed at the highest quality, the purpose is simply to convey a message to others in the same office or department and not to impress a potential client or new customer. Believe it or not just printing in draft mode can give you up to 5 times more prints from your printer cartridges, just be sure to check with the printers user manual on how to access the draft mode settings. Often you can adjust the level of draft mode so you tailor the density to suit your particular need.
2. Store your cartridges properly. If you get a great bulk buy deal on cartridges then be sure to store them properly. If stored under the right conditions, cartridges can stay in good condition for up to two years, in fact some retailers like Inkjet Wholesale will guarantee the shelf life of the generic printer cartridges they sell as long as they are stored correctly. Just make sure to keep them in darker environment that’s not too extreme in regards to heat or cold. The stationery cabinet in an air conditioned office is perfectly fine as is the pantry at home. Also be sure to keep them in an upright position, and do not open the packages and break the plastic seal of the wrapping until you just about ready to install them into the printer. This vacuum seal helps keep air from the cartridges extending the life of the ink cartridges, so its important to not tear this off until you’re about to fit them to the printer.
3. It sounds crazy I know, but the more that you use your inkjet printer, the better it generally performs. The reason for this is that regular use helps prevent print head nozzle clogging which is often responsible for blank and streaky prints. Such use ensures that the liquid ink never completely dries out and clogs the print head nozzle. So I recommend printing at least a few pages everyday if possible. It doesn’t have to be a full page photo as this would waste too much ink, but you would want something where all the colours are used and on a few pages every couple of days at a minimum.
Please check out our web store where you’ll find great prices and express delivery when you are ready to change those dastardly ink cartridges.
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