The Office Jester… every office needs one to see the lighter side of miscommunication at work
In the last instalment of the Office Jester, we explained what the giggle loop is with the help of one of the funniest videos we’ve ever seen. That video focused on giggle loops as something that need to be controlled because they find the most inopportune to manifest. Well, it’s not always that giggle loops have bad timing. Sometimes, they come at the most opportune moments. These are moments when you can revel in them and even fuel them further till your tummies ache and a little bit of pee comes out. Ask any 16 year old.
This is exactly what happened to us when we saw the video that we’re going to link to in a bit. The video is actually indicative of a very common business problem i.e. miscommunication at workplace. In fact, miscommunication at workplace isn’t only a common business problem but also one of the first things that business consultants look at, when they’re hired to improve the business’s efficiency.
As many of you no doubt already know, without proper communication, no business can hope to succeed. So, it’s not really surprising that it is such an important component of success. Let’s put the serious side of miscommunication at workplace aside though, and get down to the funny parts.
Miscommunication At Workplace Channelled Through The Germans
This video is incredibly simple which is probably why it made us laugh so much. It is very rare to find something that is this simple and this funny at the same time. The summary of the entire thing is that a new recruit takes his seat to man a radio of the German coast guard. You can see how green this guy is in the way he’s hesitating with everything.
He gets a mayday call soon after where the caller says “we’re sinking, we’re sinking!” However, the German recruit, of course, hears “we’re sthinking, we’re sthinking” because that’s how they pronounce the word. That’s the crux of the whole video really but it’s funny because of the way it’s done. We can’t really do justice to it by talking about it.
What we still wish they’d done with the video was show the “sthinking” guy’s face when the German coast guard recruit finally responds. Or his boss’s face when he learns of the entire thing. Or even his own face when he “sthinks” about what he did later. For now, we’ll leave you with the video. We know you’ll want to play it on loop.
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