The Office Jester… every office needs one to make fun of the office routine Have you switched jobs often? If you have changed jobs enough number of times, then you'll be well aware of how all offices end up feeling the same way after you’ve worked there for some time. You get similar feelings in all offices because all of them are alike, more or less. This is why you end up creating the same office routine too. Initially, when you join a new office, everything seems fresh and vibrant but after a ... Keep Reading
The Office Jester: Working in an Office
The Office Jester… every office needs one to make funny stories of working in an office We apologise to you folks. We don’t know how this one slipped through our nets. We’ve been finding funny videos relation to work and business for a long time now but we haven’t really found one that talks about working in an office on a general level. Under the guise of Office Jester, we’ve found stuff like Stress at Work, Misunderstanding at Work, Management Lingo, PowerPoint Presentations Gone Wrong, and ... Keep Reading
The Office Jester: Wikipedia at Work
The Office Jester… every office needs one to find humour in using Wikipedia at work Our last Office Jester post revolved around a video that tried to depict what it would be like if Google was a live human being. Google has always been known for being the go-to source if you want to look for something. However, half the time, the top item in Google search results is from Wikipedia. While Google is known for being a tool with directions to all the knowledge in the world, Wikipedia is known as ... Keep Reading
The Office Jester: Google for Business
The Office Jester… every office needs one to laugh it off when using Google for business trips someone up Google permeates through virtually every aspect of modern day life. Just its most basic functionality i.e. online search is quickly becoming the cornerstone of modern day civilisation, not to mention all the other things the technology giant is working on. So it isn't all that surprising that using Google for business is a fairly common practice in most companies these days. For most of ... Keep Reading
The Office Jester: Customer Service Goes Wrong
The Office Jester… every office needs one to elucidate what happens when customer service goes wrong One of the most wilful and, dare we say it, arrogant perspectives of business is that product is all that matters. Entrepreneurs who think like this believe that so long as their product lines are unique and full of quality, they can forget about all other aspects of their businesses. With this kind of thinking, the first thing that outwardly happens is that customer service goes wrong. Even ... Keep Reading
The Office Jester: Company in Crisis
The Office Jester… every office needs one to lighten the mood in a company in crisis Businesses go in crisis all the time. It isn't uncommon. More importantly, it can be an incredibly scary period for employees. You don’t know who gets offloaded and how the strategy changes to deal with the leaner period. In fact, it has nearly become a taboo subject that no one makes fun of simply because of the kind of damage that the 2008 global recession caused. However, it’s been some time since the ... Keep Reading
The Office Jester: Office Hacks
The Office Jester… every office needs one to teach you key office hacks If you’ve not realised till now, all these months you’ve been reading the Office Hacks blog from the most reliable and economical printing supplies supplier in the country – Inkjet Wholesale. Through these months, we’ve managed to provide a number of office hacks to the readers of this blog called… err… well, Office Hacks (that one’s gonna trip us up a number of times). Office Jester, on the other hand, is the humour ... Keep Reading
The Office Jester: Competitive Work Environments
The Office Jester… every office needs one to lighten up overly competitive work environments Competitive work environments – some offices have them while others don’t. The ones that do have competitive work environments benefit so long as the competition between employees and departments is positive. This is the core concept behind the idea of “employee of the month”. Offer rewards for excellent performance so that employees are compelled to compete with each other and do one ... Keep Reading
The Office Jester: Performance Appraisal
The Office Jester… every office needs one to help employees cope with their performance appraisal A performance review, for some reason, either brings out the best in a person or the worst. For example, when it comes to a performance appraisal, you would either see an individual overly confident or extremely insecure. It’s almost as if there’s no medium button for a performance appraisal and everything has to be dialled up to the edges of consciousness. That sounds like spiritual mumbo jumbo. ... Keep Reading
The Office Jester: How to Enjoy your Work
The Office Jester… every office needs one to teach each one of you how to enjoy your work The worst part of modern day civilisation is that very few people enjoy what they do. Going to work has quickly turned into the equivalent of a constant harangue for most people. Whether it is the work hours, the nature of the work, the troublesome colleagues, or even the atrocious bosses, it is likely that you, like most other people, have forgotten how to enjoy your work. That’s not sustainable at all ... Keep Reading