When it comes to purchasing a toner cartridge, one of the most common questions that arise is, how long does a toner last? It’s a valid concern as replacing toner cartridges can be an expensive affair. The lifespan of a toner cartridge depends on several factors, such as the type of printer, the level of usage, and the quality of the cartridge. While some toner cartridges can last up to three years, others may require replacement after just a few months of use. It’s essential to keep ... Keep Reading
How To Print With Black Ink Only When Color Cartridge Is Empty?
Are you in a situation where you need to print an urgent document, but your color cartridge is empty? This can be a frustrating experience, but don't worry, there is a solution. In this article, we will discuss how to print with just black ink when your color cartridge is empty. This technique can save you time and money, as well as prevent the need for an immediate cartridge replacement. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that you are still able to produce high-quality prints ... Keep Reading
What Is The Future Of Printing Technology?
We’ve spent more than 45 years watching the printing industry evolve and learning from it. During these years, two things have been constant and those are the evolution of printing technologies and the growth of the printing market. We’ve seen the steroid fuelled advancement of the inkjet technology as well as the development of laser printing. If you run a printing business or even a business which relies on in-house printing, then there’s merit in considering what the future of printing ... Keep Reading
Do Laser Printers Use Ink Or Toner?
Laser printers have become increasingly popular over the years due to their high-speed printing and superior quality output. However, many people are still confused about the type of printing technology they use and whether they use ink or toner. In this article, we will provide a clear and concise answer to the question, "Do laser printers use ink or toner?" By the end of this article, you will have a thorough understanding of how laser printers work and the difference between ink and ... Keep Reading
Ink vs. Toner Cartridges: How Are They Different?
Ink vs. toner cartridges? Toner vs. ink cartridges? This is a fairly common dilemma for most printer owners. Throughout the years, many people have contacted us to ask whether they should buy ink cartridges or toner cartridges. Our answer is simple enough since there’s only one answer for most of these people. Dear XYZ, Usually, ink cartridges are used for inkjet printers while toner cartridges are used for laser printers. We recommend that you either check the manual of your printer for ... Keep Reading
Learn About Different Types of Photo Paper
Photography is an art form. While a modern art form, photography can still capture or inspire emotion. However, there’s more to photography than just pointing the right camera at the right location in the right lighting. In other words, even after you’ve clicked the perfect image, you need to reproduce it on paper for your photograph to look nice. This means learning about different types of photo paper and how to use them. While you need to pay attention to the quality of the ink you’re using ... Keep Reading
What Is Postscript Printing?
While it isn’t exactly a very common question amongst printer users, it is still one that has been asked a few times in the history of Inkjet Wholesale. However, of late, we’ve seen a certain rise in the number of times our users have asked us, “what is postscript printing”. Our internal investigation (formal for a “guesstimate”) suggests that the reason could be the number of reviews we’ve done in the recent past. You see, in our reviews, posted every Monday, there have been numerous times when ... Keep Reading
What Is The Life Of A Printer?
“What is a printer's effective life?”, “What are some best ways to enhance its lifespan?”, “What is the right time when you need to buy a new printer?” In this article, we will take a brief look at these questions. Let's dig out each and everything! Printers have become an essential part of our daily lives, whether we need to print important documents for work or school or create colorful and artistic prints at home. However, many people may not be aware of the lifespan of a printer and the ... Keep Reading
How to Deal With Fading Inkjet Prints
When you print a document or a photo, you do so with the understanding that it is going to stay with you for a decent amount of time. This is especially true in the case of photographs and high-value documents. However, unless you’re a professional photographer, legal expert, or archivist, it is unlikely that you’ve considered the fact that your prints may not really last the distance. After all, most of us don’t really bother considering whether our printed photos will last us 20 or even 10 ... Keep Reading
How to Prevent Inkjet Smearing
Inkjet printers have become more compact while simultaneously becoming more technologically advanced. This means that there are now more applications for inkjet printers than ever before. However, at the end of the day, inkjet printers rely on pigment and dye inks, which are both water-based. This means, regardless of what you use your inkjet printer for, if your final prints come in contact with water, they can get smudged. In fact, this is a common gripe amongst people who use their inkjet ... Keep Reading