The Office Jester… every office needs one to make fun of all office stereotypes
The world is full of stereotypes, isn’t it? And, nowhere is it more prominent than at the workplace. Stereotyping is a subtle, subtle thing. No one is immune to it. Not psychologists. Not journalists. Not even family. Everyone does it. The only difference is that different people do it to different degrees.
Stereotyping is more prominent with strangers and unless you’ve been at your current workplace for an unbelievably long time, it’s highly likely that you’ve witnessed some office stereotypes in action.
For a long time, office stereotypes revolved around the fair sex – the ladies. These office stereotypes concerned everything from the feminine behaviour and professional capabilities to their sexuality.
However, modern day stereotypes are about, shall we say, the fairer sex. Yep, we’re referring to the men that are particularly in touch with their sensual and sensitive sides – the homosexuals. As the subject is a burning one all over the world since the US legalised same sex marriages last year, we decided this was a good subject to focus on in our Office Jester series.
Instead of listing all these office stereotypes about homosexuals in workplaces, we’ll let this video (explicit content people, possibly NSFW too) do the talking.
Office Stereotypes about the Homosexual and the Homophobe
So, like many of the Office Jester videos we’ve shared on this blog, this one has multiple layers to it. It’s loaded with satirical office stereotypes of various types revolving around the twin controversial subjects of homosexuality and homophobia. Give us a chance to comment on some of the prominent ones, will you?
- The Music: This video constantly refers to how some homosexuals have a tendency to flaunt their sexual orientation. That’s a stereotype in itself that particularly gets leverage in offices because of the divide between personal and professional is blurry at most offices. The music being played by Latrelle (We’re assuming that’s the spelling – good gay name btw) and the Barbara Streisand reference from “Baby Girl” are both stereotypes. This one we’re inclined to believe especially considering after hearing music from well-known homosexuals such as George Michael and Prince.
- The Lamp Hanging Whistle: The less we talk about this one the better. We can hint though. It is a small whistle in the colour of skin shaped like the most sensitive and vital male organ (scientifically incorrect but we think most blokes out there will agree).
- The Manner of Talking: Latrelle in this video is absurdly expressive. From “Baby Girl” to the semi African American tonality combined with in your face sensuality is enough for Latrelle to being alone for eternity. No wonder, he’s knitting scrotum cosies.
- I’m not persecuted…: This one cracked us up though. The final words of Latrelle are incredibly fitting. “I’m not persecuted, I’m just an a@£$%le…
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