What is a remote office? It is a virtual office where every employee is working from the comfort of his home, café, or wherever else catches his fancy. Remote offices are all the rage these days. It’s an emerging trend. Not only are established businesses moving to incorporate the remote office element into their existing systems but even start-ups are choosing the remote office as their preferred option. Make no mistake about it. This isn't one of those fads that catch people’s fancy. If you ... Keep Reading
Cold Calling Isn’t Dead: Here’s How It’s Evolved
This is a guest post. Inkjet Wholesale’s Office Hacks Blog welcomes all types of contributions from content writers, SEO experts, and online entrepreneurs provided the content meets our editorial guidelines. If you would like to contribute to this blog, please feel free to contact us! In the old days, a sales rep would sit down with a local phone book, call contacts one by one and hope they could convince the stranger on the other end to buy a product. The sales rep had no idea if the customer ... Keep Reading
Top 4 Pull Marketing Tactics That You Can Be Using Right Now!
If you’ve been in marketing for some time, then you’d already know what pull marketing is and what it does. However, if you're newer to the field of marketing, then you wouldn’t know that there are three ways through which you can get customers to your website, your store, or even your sweet little kiosk. Well, there are and all of them are important. While this post is going to be about pull marketing tactics and we’ll get there (we promise), we’ll first explore what pull marketing is and what ... Keep Reading
A Step By Step Growth Hacking Guide
We’ve been focusing on growth hacking since our last two posts. Many of you may even think that we’ve been beating around the bush because we’ve written about how to hire a growth hacker and what are the prerequisites of a growth hacking strategy but we have not addressed the most key question – how to use growth hacking in your own business. With this growth hacking guide, we’re going to remedy that lack. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know how much we value systems here. ... Keep Reading
What Are The Prerequisites Of A Growth Hacking Strategy?
Growth hacking isn't just for the well-known corporations and highly-regarded brands. It can be incredibly beneficial for start-ups too. However, it is contingent on understanding that growth hacking is a system that needs all the relevant nuts and bolts to be greater than the sum of its parts. The nuts and bolts in this analogy are, of course, the various components you'll need in place to create a coherent growth hacking strategy. The essential question here is what do you need for growth ... Keep Reading
6 Tips on How to Hire Growth Hackers for Your Business
Growth hacking is not a new term in digital media. It has been around since 2010. It may have been around for nearly a decade but it is only in the last few years that it has gained popularity. But, what is it really? It is a highly specialised form of marketing where the sole focus is growth. A growth hacker’s job is to ensure the growth of his company and to do this he employs all the tools available to him including programming, analytics, and marketing. Growth hacking has gained importance ... Keep Reading
Top 8 Benefits of Cloud Document Management Systems
Information is possibly the most valuable currency today. There are business models in the world that revolve solely on the gathering, segmenting, and selling information of various types. Considering this, it isn't surprising at all that businesses are attaching such a premium on managing and protecting their information. Even governments have gotten in on the act as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union is proof. The real clincher, however, is the fact that even ... Keep Reading
How to Make Remote Working Viable For Your Business
Even though there are a few disadvantages of working remotely, they're easily overshadowed by the advantages of setting up a remote office. This is precisely why the business world is seeing a remote revolution. Even at Inkjet Wholesale, a significant portion of the workforce is operating remotely. The only reason we have traditional offices and workers is that we sell physical products that require physical handling. So, believe us when we tell you that remote working is very much a viable ... Keep Reading
What Are The Disadvantages Of Working Remotely?
You're, no doubt, aware that there’s a revolution going on in the world. It isn't the focus on the environment or the rightist agenda that we’re talking about, though. We’re referring to the remote revolution. More and more businesses are adopting the remote office setup. It is the advantages of working remotely that are fuelling this revolution but everything is not hunky-dory either or the revolution would have been more widespread. There are disadvantages to working remotely too. These ... Keep Reading
How to Say No To Clients Politely
Nobody likes to be denied. Hearing a ‘no’ has the potential to raise anyone’s hackles depending upon the context. It is an ingrained aspect of humanity. The best example is how children react in the face of a sternly delivered ‘no’ – they either try to circumnavigate the decision or throw a tantrum. It’s not like this tendency fades away with age. Adults just exhibit circumnavigation and tantrums differently. In the adult world, the best example of this tendency is seen in clients and customers. ... Keep Reading