The Office Jester… every office needs one to poke fun at people who turn even being nice at work into a competition
If there’s one thing that working people complain about, it’s office politics. It’s the fact that people can’t be nice to each other at work. In fact, you must’ve started a story about office politics to someone by saying similar words to “why can’t people be nice at work”. Everyone should be nice at work, right? Right?
After all, you’re in it together. If one person messes up, the boss will take the whole team to task. Despite this, at any point in time, you’ll see a number of people at work walking around with a knife stuck in their backs. Sometimes, the bosses even encourage this kind of thing to keep a track on their employees.
So, that’s the common perception about people being nice at work i.e. it would be nice if they were. However, you need to be careful of what you wish for. Niceness can easily go overboard. It’s like everything else; too much of it will kill ya. Don’t believe us? Here’s a video that turns the concept employees being nice at work on its head by simply taking the niceness too far.
Too Nice At Work
This is a New York Times video that is performed by the famed comedy duo Key & Peele. It’s based on the theories of Adam Grant that revolve around the results of helping others. However, in true Key & Peele fashion, people being nice at work turned into people being too nice at work.
The entire scenario starts quite simply – one guy gets coffee for his colleague. That sets off a chain of niceness which results in the people of the Lesser Antilles and the Greater Antilles turning into slaves.
Of course, at that point, these two realise the ridiculousness of what they’re doing and get back to the real world i.e. one-upping each other in coffee sizes. The grand finale of this second round? One guy buying the other infintitia!
You remember, the “infinite” – the word everyone used as a kid against his best friend. Only till the best friend came back with “infinite plus 1” or even “infinite to the power of infinite”! Oh, the joys of childhood rivalries.
Such wonderful things modern society teaches under the heading of “education”. If only we knew how everyone could be taught to get along. Maybe World War II wouldn’t have happened and maybe World War III wouldn’t happen.
Because we had to deliver that morose perspective and ruin the festive spirit, we want to make up. No, not by making out but with this video. It’s another Key & Peele production. This time about hats. Yes, we’re being awfully nostalgic about our innocent days.
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