Many entrepreneurs are often stuck in a chicken and egg situation. They need money to set up their business and create a customer base but they need a business and a customer base to make money in the first place. This is a very common and one of the first obstacles that entrepreneurs need to overcome to become successful. The obvious way to break this catch-22 situation is to get funding from an outside source but even that comes with its own problems. Even when you get funding from an ... Keep Reading
Top 9 Instagram Tips for Business You Should Remember
We’ve been on an Instagram trip somewhat, as you’ve no doubt already realised, if you read Office Hacks from Inkjet Wholesale regularly. We felt that such a guide is important largely because of the rising popularity of Instagram in Australia fuelled by its association with Facebook, easily the social media lynchpin down under. It is this growth in popularity of Instagram that drew our attention and compelled us to write this trilogy of posts. In the trilogy of Instagram guide, this is the last ... Keep Reading
Instagram for Your Business: What Is the Right Way to Use This Social Network?
Instagram is possibly the leading social media network in the US and a number of other western countries. However, the same isn’t true in Australia where Facebook and YouTube rule the roost of social media networks. At the same time though, after Facebook and YouTube (in the right order of popularity), the third biggest social media network here is none other than Instagram. Moreover, the association between Facebook and Instagram means that the popularity of Facebook is driving the popularity ... Keep Reading
Pros and Cons of a Telecommuting Policy for Your Company
Make no mistake; telecommuting is on the rise. It’s not just in Australia either. It’s true all over the world. In fact, there are a wide variety of companies in the world that have implemented a telecommuting policy that allows their employees to have the option of working from home. Unfortunately, every company that has implemented a telecommuting policy hasn’t seen success with it. There are actually businesses out there that have tried giving their employees this freedom only to see a marked ... Keep Reading
6 New Sales Tips to Try in Your Business
No matter what kind of business you run, you can't be successful without selling it to potential customers. Through Inkjet Wholesale’s Office Hacks, here, we’ve dealt with the subject of selling or sales a number of times. In fact, by covering sales and selling a number of times, we’ve already provided you with multiple workable sales tips. So, before we move onto the sales tips within this post, we do recommend checking those posts out. Our earlier posts covered subjects ranging from the ... Keep Reading
Impossible Clients: How to Deal with Them
There are all types of clients out there. Sometimes you get a gem of a client who loves high quality work and pays what such work deserves, other times you get impossible clients who want to squeeze out as much work or products out of you for as little money as possible. As much as you want to give impossible clients a wide berth, it isn’t something that you can do very often because believe it or not impossible clients are, at the very least, as numerous as good clients. Businesses and ... Keep Reading
How to Create a Business Growth Strategy?
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, then you know that we like to take a subject and worry over it for a bit like a dog with a bone, before we consider any other topics. This usually results in a series of articles talking about a specific area of running a business or a specific concern. We do this because like to approach things from as many angles as we possibly can (thus, a dog with a bone reference) before burying it for good. Since our last instalment focused on the various types of ... Keep Reading
What Business Growth Strategies Can You Deploy For Your Company?
Most start-ups and young businesses have a similar growth curve. Their initial months are financially restrictive with most balance sheets being blood red in colour and implication. This is followed by a null period where everything is balanced out as if nature itself is controlling the fates of the business. After this, however, the generic pattern diverges from one business to another. Some businesses show massive growth rates in revenue, income, and market share, some show mediocre growth ... Keep Reading
Top 5 Financial Mistakes Small Businesses Make
Why is it that the vast majority of small businesses fail to even get off the ground? It can’t be lack of planning because some budding entrepreneurs, who are sticklers for planning and nit-pickers to boot, fail as miserably as the maverick entrepreneurs amongst us. Another interesting fact is that most small businesses can take most types of mistakes in their stride. It is, however, the financial mistakes small businesses make that can truly break them. Therefore, for any budding entrepreneur, ... Keep Reading
Do You Have A Networking Strategy?
Manufacturers and retailers aside, most small to medium scale businesses tend to get new customers through referrals and recommendations. Most service providers, in fact, rely on word of mouth influence from their existing customers to get new customers. Even online businesses have started relying on reviews to gain traction in their target audiences. Referrals and recommendations, however, don’t manifest out of thin air. Commercial organisations have to work to create networks so that they can ... Keep Reading