The Office Jester… every office needs one to take over office introductions
Disclaimer: this post will only be vaguely related to office, work, career, and professions by the use of the instrument of lateral thinking.
Okay, now that that’s out of the way, we can proceed with what we hope will be a post that we enjoy writing. We’re going to make this one revolve around a clip from “A Bit of Fry & Laurie”.
Unless you’re on the other side of sixty, which we are not (we’re just connoisseurs of good comedy, you see), you will not recognise “A Bit of Fry & Laurie” by name. However, once you see the video, you’ll immediately identify one of the two people onscreen – Hugh Laurie or as you may better know him Dr Gregory House!
Even though Hugh Laurie caught a break with the TV series “House” and became one of the highest paid actors in showbiz, Stephen Fry is no small… well, fry. He’s grown old to be quite a large Fry actually.
Jokes apart, though, Stephen Fry is one of those characters you have to respect largely because he managed to overcome a troubled childhood which involved being remanded in a prison.
Seriousness apart, though, we should get back to tickling the funny bone. When we saw this video, we absolutely had to share it with our readers. So much so, that we were willing to push the envelope by only connecting it to the theme of Office Jester.
Therefore, even if you don’t find the relevance of this video to the theme of Office Jester, we request a little leeway with regards to the whims and fancies of humour. Here are two classic stalwarts of comedy Fry & Laurie.
What If Office Introductions Were Held This Way?
So, after watching the video, you lot must be wondering how it is even vaguely connected with offices and workplaces or printers, for that matter. Well, when we saw this video (and liked it enormously we might add), we immediately thought that it needs to be shared with our readers. To make it relevant, we imagined the same thing during office interviews.
Just imagine if the name of everyone in your office was used phonetically during office introductions. Just the morning greetings would be a joy to watch. Monday blues? What Monday blues? No one will ever want to take a leave. Let us give you a taste.
Taylor – Mr Derek ::sewing action (we suggest the needle action)::
Thompson – Mr William ::stomp up and down:: son
Thomas – Mr Walter ::stomp up and down then show your lovely behind::
Walker – Mr Adam ::start walking on the spot::
Singh – Mr Neil ::start singing::
Wang – Mr Lee Wang ::don’t ask just replace “g” with “k”::
Patel – Mr Vivek ::pat your head while talking on an imaginary phone::
And this one is our personal favourite (hint: look up this post’s author’s name)
Sinha – Mr ::make shushing sound, lean against something, do the action for any of the seven deadly sins (censored or not), and go “HA”::
So, you can do this during office introductions, every morning, and if you’re one of those pseudo corporate team building type of managers then do it while team building. A laugh, a tease, and a little bit of aggravation goes a long way in bringing people closer together.
Didn’t we say it would be fun? We suggest you do this for the name of everyone at your office with special emphasis on your boss!
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